Acts 10:34-48, God's gift to those who do righteousness

Summarize today's scripture Peter preaches the gospel of peace, saying that in every nation he has realized that God accepts those who fear him and do righteousness. The Holy Spirit comes upon all the Gentiles who hear about Christ's death, resurrection, and forgiveness of sins. Then Peter and his companions are amazed and baptize them in the name of Jesus Christ. 1. Peter's sermon (10:34-43) God does not look at people by their outward appearance. Peter's encounter with Cornelius convinces him of this. The Greek word for "look" (v. 34) means "to show favoritism," which includes ethnicity, race, gender, and class. God wants all people to be saved. Peter now summarizes the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This is the last of his five sermons. The centerpiece of the gospel is always "Jesus Christ. God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, and with God with him, Jesus defeated the devil and did every good work. After dying...

Acts 10:17-33, Follow the Lord's Will, Not Custom

Summarize today's scripture When the men sent by Cornelius come to visit Peter, Peter goes with them as the Holy Spirit tells him. When Cornelius wants to bow, Peter stops him, explaining that it is against the law to associate with Gentiles, but that he has come at God's direction. Cornelius explains his reason for requesting Peter and says he will listen to everything God has commanded. 1. People Introducing Cornelius (10:17-23) God works in His own timing. Just as Peter is questioning the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius arrive. Peter hears the voice of the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not doubt, but go with them, for I have sent them" (v. 20). The men sent by Cornelius introduce him as "a righteous man, a God-fearing man, a man praised by the Jews. Cornelius is a Gentile with a good reputation for good character. Through the direction of the Holy Spirit and those sent by Cornelius, Peter is convinced that it is God's will for him to go to Corne...

Acts 10:1-16, Receive those whom God has cleansed

Today's Scripture Summary Cornelius, a God-fearing centurion, sends a man to Joba to ask for Peter, as the angel had told him. After a vision of bowls filled with various beasts descending from heaven, Peter refuses the command to eat them. After being told not to defile what God has cleansed, the bowls ascend into heaven. 1. Cornelius sees a vision (10:1-8) God remembers the prayers and good deeds of the godly, regardless of ethnicity or race. Cornelius is a Gentile who is a centurion in the legion of Dalmatia. The legion of Dalmatia (Italy) is a Roman infantry unit and consists of about 600 men. The commander of the unit is a centurion, and there are eight to ten centurions under him. The pious Cornelius, along with his entire family, feared God, saved many people, and prayed to God all the time. God valued his faith and life. One day, as he was praying around the hour of Zegus (3 p.m.), an angel appears and tells him that God remembers his prayers and deliverance, and instructs ...

Acts 9:32-43, Faith through the gospel, assurance through miracles

Today's Scripture Summary In Ruthenia, Peter heals Ananias, who had been seriously ill for eight years, and when many people see this, they turn to the Lord. In Joppa, Tabitha, a priestess who had done many good deeds, dies, but Peter prays and raises her from the dead. When many people hear of this, they believe in the Lord. Peter stays at the home of Simon the tanner. 1. Peter heals Ananias (9:32-35) During the early days of the early church, the early stages of the gospel of Christ, there was a need for itinerant evangelism, so Peter does not stay in Jerusalem. He travels in all directions and visits the saints in Ruthenia, which is adjacent to the plain of Saron. Lydda is about 40 kilometers from Jerusalem. Peter heals Ananias, who had been laid up for eight years with a severe case of leprosy. At the time, Ruthah was a hub for international maritime traffic, so news of the miracle of healing Ananias spreads quickly in the surrounding area, bringing many people back to the Lord...

Acts 9:23-31, The Good Mediator Who Opens the Door to Fellowship

Today's Scripture Summary Saul travels to Jerusalem to escape the Jews. When the disciples don't believe that Saul has become a disciple, Barnabas tells the apostles how he encountered the Lord. Saul's defense in Jesus' name leads him to Tarsus to escape the threats of the Hellenized Jews. The church in all of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria stands strong. 1. Saul escapes Damascus (9:23-25) God protects the evangelist. After "many days," the Jews conspire to kill Saul. Based on Saul's testimony elsewhere (e.g., Gal. 1:11-24), we see the "many days" (v. 23) here as the period of time between his conversion and preaching the gospel in Damascus, then traveling to Arabia, staying there, and then returning to Damascus to preach again. The Jews can't leave Saul alone because it would lead to the collapse of Jewish beliefs and the Jewish social system. The Jews' system becomes known to Saul, and Saul's disciples get him out of Damascus. Satan pe...

Acts 9:10-22, The Lord's Chosen Vessel for Gentile Evangelism

Today's Scripture Summary The Lord commands Ananias to visit Saul, saying that Saul is the Lord's chosen vessel to carry His name to the Gentiles, kings, and Israel. Ananias goes and lays his hands on him, and Saul sees again and is baptized. Saul preaches in every synagogue that Jesus is the Son of God, and all who hear are amazed. 1. The Lord calls Ananias (9:10-16) A repentant soul needs a leader. After transforming Saul, the Lord calls Ananias to fit him in. We don't know how Ananias became a disciple; he may have fled with the believers in Jerusalem as they fled to Damascus, or he may have heard the gospel from believers who were living in Damascus and had fled. The Lord tells Ananias where Saul is and that he is praying. Knowing Saul's notoriety, Ananias is reluctant to go to him. But the Lord commands, "Go," and tells him what Saul has been commissioned to do (v. 15). God's thoughts are higher and bigger than ours, and He transforms a man who was an...

Acts 9:1-9, The Risen Jesus Comes to His Persecutors

Today's Scripture Summary Saul seeks permission from the high priest to bind the believers and bring them to Jerusalem. Suddenly, near Damascus, a light from heaven surrounds Saul. As he falls to the ground, Saul hears the voice of Jesus. Blinded, he is carried by men to Damascus, where he abstains from eating and drinking for three days. 1. Saul persecutes believers (9:1-2) Saul was the one who took the lead in killing Stephen (7:58; 8:1). Saul asks the high priest for a letter to take to the various synagogues in Damascus. The intent is to bind all believers to Jerusalem. At the time, Damascus was a very large and developed city, with many Jews living there and several synagogues. The believers fled there because of persecution. The reason the Jews, including Saul, persecuted the believers is because the gospel is in conflict with Jewish beliefs. Judaism never recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) sent by God. - Why did Saul want to go to Damascus? What can I do to help someon...