Acts 10:17-33, Follow the Lord's Will, Not Custom

Acts 1017-33, Follow the Lord's Will, Not Custom

Summarize today's scripture

When the men sent by Cornelius come to visit Peter, Peter goes with them as the Holy Spirit tells him. When Cornelius wants to bow, Peter stops him, explaining that it is against the law to associate with Gentiles, but that he has come at God's direction. Cornelius explains his reason for requesting Peter and says he will listen to everything God has commanded.

1. People Introducing Cornelius (10:17-23)

God works in His own timing. Just as Peter is questioning the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius arrive. Peter hears the voice of the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not doubt, but go with them, for I have sent them" (v. 20). The men sent by Cornelius introduce him as "a righteous man, a God-fearing man, a man praised by the Jews. Cornelius is a Gentile with a good reputation for good character. Through the direction of the Holy Spirit and those sent by Cornelius, Peter is convinced that it is God's will for him to go to Cornelius. God accomplishes His work in His appointed time and in His appointed way, and He instills confidence in doubting hearts.

How did God work to bring about the meeting between Peter and Cornelius? How do I discern God's leading when doubt arises?

2. Entering a Gentile's House Peter (10:24-33)

At the time, Jews were reluctant to enter the homes of Gentiles and fellowship with them, but Peter obeys God's instructions and enters the home of Cornelius, a Gentile. He breaks a Jewish taboo and enters Cornelius' home, risking condemnation and threats. This marks a major turning point in his missionary work with Gentiles. Cornelius had invited several people to be there and was waiting. In response to Peter's question, Cornelius refers to the vision he experienced four days earlier (10:3-6) and confesses that he is "before God" to hear "all things (the Word)" that God has commanded Peter (v. 33). Cornelius was eager for the Word, and his heart was poor and humble. To the heart that waits with eager longing for God's Word, God gives grace like a shower.

What risks did Peter have to take when he entered a Gentile's home to fellowship? What risks do I have to take to share the gospel?

Prayer for the Day

God, forgive me for my unbelief that has caused me to hesitate to obey purely out of custom and human thought. Help me to realize that I can be a part of something amazing when I obey your Word with integrity. Help me to rejoice in anticipation of how Your Word to me will be fulfilled.


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