Acts 9:1-9, The Risen Jesus Comes to His Persecutors
Today's Scripture Summary
Saul seeks permission from the high priest to bind the believers and bring them to Jerusalem. Suddenly, near Damascus, a light from heaven surrounds Saul. As he falls to the ground, Saul hears the voice of Jesus. Blinded, he is carried by men to Damascus, where he abstains from eating and drinking for three days.
1. Saul persecutes believers (9:1-2)
Saul was the one who took the lead in killing Stephen (7:58; 8:1). Saul asks the high priest for a letter to take to the various synagogues in Damascus. The intent is to bind all believers to Jerusalem. At the time, Damascus was a very large and developed city, with many Jews living there and several synagogues. The believers fled there because of persecution. The reason the Jews, including Saul, persecuted the believers is because the gospel is in conflict with Jewish beliefs. Judaism never recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) sent by God.
Why did Saul want to go to Damascus? What can I do to help someone who is severely blaspheming and criticizing Christianity?
2. Jesus Comes to Saul (9:3-9)
Even the worst sinners are changed when they meet the risen Jesus. Saul, a man on par with life, hears the voice of Jesus as he approaches Damascus. The crucified Jesus is the risen Son of God. The light that shines on Saul is the radiance of the risen Jesus' glory. The call "Saul, Saul" twice suggests the urgency of the situation and that Jesus is about to give him a mission. The words "Why are you persecuting me" (v. 4) and "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting" (v. 5) show that Jesus is identifying himself with Christians. In coming to Saul, Jesus also prepares someone to tell him what Saul will do next. After the dramatic experience of meeting Jesus, Saul was blinded and devastated. The three-day fast would have been a time for him to repent of his time as a persecutor, to receive the risen Lord, and to renew his purpose and direction in life.
How did Saul meet the resurrection Lord? When and how has the Lord met me?
Prayer for the day
God, thank you for the grace to visit me, a sinner who deserved to die, and make me completely new. Help me to be more like You, the Holy One, every day, filling my life with the light of Your glory. Help me to be a person who is completely bound to You, who looks to You alone in anticipation of Your plans for my life.
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