Acts 9:32-43, Faith through the gospel, assurance through miracles

Acts 932-43, Faith through the gospel, assurance through miracles

Today's Scripture Summary

In Ruthenia, Peter heals Ananias, who had been seriously ill for eight years, and when many people see this, they turn to the Lord. In Joppa, Tabitha, a priestess who had done many good deeds, dies, but Peter prays and raises her from the dead. When many people hear of this, they believe in the Lord. Peter stays at the home of Simon the tanner.

1. Peter heals Ananias (9:32-35)

During the early days of the early church, the early stages of the gospel of Christ, there was a need for itinerant evangelism, so Peter does not stay in Jerusalem. He travels in all directions and visits the saints in Ruthenia, which is adjacent to the plain of Saron. Lydda is about 40 kilometers from Jerusalem. Peter heals Ananias, who had been laid up for eight years with a severe case of leprosy. At the time, Ruthah was a hub for international maritime traffic, so news of the miracle of healing Ananias spreads quickly in the surrounding area, bringing many people back to the Lord. Supernatural miracles show us that God is alive, leading us to trust and follow the words of the gospel.

How did Peter's miracle of healing Ananias affect those around him? Who are some people I can pray for healing and restoration?

2. Peter Saves the Life of Tabitha (9:36-43)

There was a priestess named Tabitha (Dorcas) in Joba. She was known for her good deeds and deliverances. The early church was built on the strength of dedicated women like Tabitha. When she fell ill and died, her believers brought Peter to her in Ruthenia. The distance between Joba and Ruthenia was about 20 kilometers, so the believers would have heard of Peter's healing of Annas. When Peter arrives, everyone weeps and gives evidence of Tabitha's good deeds in her life. When Peter dismisses the crowd and begins praying and shouting for her, a miracle happens: she is raised to life. The love of the believers for Tabitha and Peter's prayer of faith had been answered by the Lord. The living Lord provides miracles for the spread of the gospel and for His glory.

How did the people react to the death of Tabitha, a woman who had done so much good and relief? What good or relief work am I involved in?

Prayer for the Day

God, help me to remember that your miracles are tools to demonstrate your love and saving power. The greatest miracle of all is that I, a selfish, greedy person, have come to serve and love you and my neighbor wholeheartedly! Help me to speak your word of truth in gratitude for this wonderful miracle.


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