Acts 9:23-31, The Good Mediator Who Opens the Door to Fellowship

Acts 9:23-31, The Good Mediator Who Opens the Door to Fellowship

Today's Scripture Summary

Saul travels to Jerusalem to escape the Jews. When the disciples don't believe that Saul has become a disciple, Barnabas tells the apostles how he encountered the Lord. Saul's defense in Jesus' name leads him to Tarsus to escape the threats of the Hellenized Jews. The church in all of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria stands strong.

1. Saul escapes Damascus (9:23-25)

God protects the evangelist. After "many days," the Jews conspire to kill Saul. Based on Saul's testimony elsewhere (e.g., Gal. 1:11-24), we see the "many days" (v. 23) here as the period of time between his conversion and preaching the gospel in Damascus, then traveling to Arabia, staying there, and then returning to Damascus to preach again. The Jews can't leave Saul alone because it would lead to the collapse of Jewish beliefs and the Jewish social system. The Jews' system becomes known to Saul, and Saul's disciples get him out of Damascus. Satan persecutes and tries to kill the evangelist, but God provides a way of escape and protects him.

How did the disciples get Saul out of Damascus in a time of crisis? How has the Lord helped me in times of crisis?

2. Saul's Visit to Jerusalem (9:26-31)

Saul travels to Jerusalem to make disciples, but everyone is afraid of him and reluctant. This is when Barnabas, a man recognized by the apostles, steps in and intercedes. His good behavior may have been instrumental in getting the disciples to open up and accept Saul. As a result of Barnabas' intervention and recommendation, Saul fellowships with them. At this point, Saul spends 15 days in Jerusalem fellowshipping with the disciples (Gal. 1:18-19). He speaks boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus and argues for his life with the Hellenized Jews. When the Hellenized Jews try to kill him, his brothers send him to his hometown of Tarsus. Saul then disappears from the scene, only to reappear when Barnabas goes to Tarsus to find him (11:25).

Who helped Saul fellowship with the disciples in Jerusalem? Am I a good mediator between people who distrust each other?

Prayer for the day

God, I repent of the foolishness of measuring and doubting the faith of others by my own standards. Like Barnabas, a man of God, help us to look out for and comfort our fellow man in trouble. Help us to dwell in peace under the wings of the God who moves both people and situations to cover us safely.


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