Acts 10:34-48, God's gift to those who do righteousness

Acts 1034-48, God's gift to those who do righteousness

Summarize today's scripture

Peter preaches the gospel of peace, saying that in every nation he has realized that God accepts those who fear him and do righteousness. The Holy Spirit comes upon all the Gentiles who hear about Christ's death, resurrection, and forgiveness of sins. Then Peter and his companions are amazed and baptize them in the name of Jesus Christ.

1. Peter's sermon (10:34-43)

God does not look at people by their outward appearance. Peter's encounter with Cornelius convinces him of this. The Greek word for "look" (v. 34) means "to show favoritism," which includes ethnicity, race, gender, and class. God wants all people to be saved. Peter now summarizes the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This is the last of his five sermons. The centerpiece of the gospel is always "Jesus Christ. God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, and with God with him, Jesus defeated the devil and did every good work. After dying on the cross and rising again, Jesus is the "Judge of the living and the dead. Whoever believes in Jesus has forgiveness of sins and is saved.

How did Peter realize that God does not look at people by their 'appearance'? Who do I need to set aside my prejudices and actively share Jesus with?

2. Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit (10:44-48)

As Peter preaches the gospel, the Holy Spirit descends because his listeners respond in faith. They speak in tongues and exalt God. The circumcised believers who followed Peter to Cornelius' house are amazed that God has poured out his Spirit on Gentiles (v. 45; 10:23). Peter's statement, "These people have received the Holy Spirit just as we have" (v. 47), recognizes that the distinction between Jew and Gentile has been removed. Having received the grace of forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, Gentiles are baptized and become part of the church. The Holy Spirit first came upon the Jews at Pentecost (chapter 2), then upon the Samaritans, a mixed race of Jews and Gentiles (chapter 8), and now upon the Gentiles.

What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Gentile family of Cornelius? What gifts does God give me when I listen to the Word with a hungry heart?

Prayer for the day

God, thank you that you do not look at people by their outward appearance and that you preach the gospel of peace without discrimination. Now, as a witness to the cross and resurrection, help me to move in faith toward the ends of the earth that you have given me. May we be a church united by the power of the Holy Spirit to expand your kingdom.


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