Acts 9:10-22, The Lord's Chosen Vessel for Gentile Evangelism
Today's Scripture Summary
The Lord commands Ananias to visit Saul, saying that Saul is the Lord's chosen vessel to carry His name to the Gentiles, kings, and Israel. Ananias goes and lays his hands on him, and Saul sees again and is baptized. Saul preaches in every synagogue that Jesus is the Son of God, and all who hear are amazed.
1. The Lord calls Ananias (9:10-16)
A repentant soul needs a leader. After transforming Saul, the Lord calls Ananias to fit him in. We don't know how Ananias became a disciple; he may have fled with the believers in Jerusalem as they fled to Damascus, or he may have heard the gospel from believers who were living in Damascus and had fled. The Lord tells Ananias where Saul is and that he is praying. Knowing Saul's notoriety, Ananias is reluctant to go to him. But the Lord commands, "Go," and tells him what Saul has been commissioned to do (v. 15). God's thoughts are higher and bigger than ours, and He transforms a man who was an enemy to believers to accomplish amazing world missionary work.
What thoughts did Ananias have about Saul? What are some things you don't want to do, but will obey, seeking the Holy Spirit's help?
2. Ananias lays hands on Saul (9:17-22)
Ananias obeys the Lord's command: He calls him "Brother Saul" (v. 17), which signifies his acceptance of Saul as a brother in Christ. Ananias lays hands on him and proclaims, and immediately scales are removed from Saul's eyes, allowing him to see again. After being baptized and strengthened by food, Saul stays with the disciples in Damascus. Saul, who not long before had been persecuting Christians, now fellowships with them as a brother. Convinced that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, Saul begins to testify in various synagogues. This is to save Jews who do not know Jesus. The saved person doesn't stop at personal conversion; he exerts himself for the salvation of others.
What happened to Saul as Ananias laid hands on him and proclaimed? Who do I need to minister to for faith restoration and growth?
Prayer for the day
Lord, I recognize Your love that moves and guides many to help build up one person in faith. Help me to focus on Your Word so that I don't limit Your work with my preconceived notions or judgments. Build us into a church that is united in You, praying and fellowshipping together and proclaiming the gospel truthfully.
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