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Acts 9:23-31, The Good Mediator Who Opens the Door to Fellowship

Today's Scripture Summary Saul travels to Jerusalem to escape the Jews. When the disciples don't believe that Saul has become a disciple, Barnabas tells the apostles how he encountered the Lord. Saul's defense in Jesus' name leads him to Tarsus to escape the threats of the Hellenized Jews. The church in all of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria stands strong. 1. Saul escapes Damascus (9:23-25) God protects the evangelist. After "many days," the Jews conspire to kill Saul. Based on Saul's testimony elsewhere (e.g., Gal. 1:11-24), we see the "many days" (v. 23) here as the period of time between his conversion and preaching the gospel in Damascus, then traveling to Arabia, staying there, and then returning to Damascus to preach again. The Jews can't leave Saul alone because it would lead to the collapse of Jewish beliefs and the Jewish social system. The Jews' system becomes known to Saul, and Saul's disciples get him out of Damascus. Satan pe...