Acts 9:1-9, The Risen Jesus Comes to His Persecutors

Today's Scripture Summary Saul seeks permission from the high priest to bind the believers and bring them to Jerusalem. Suddenly, near Damascus, a light from heaven surrounds Saul. As he falls to the ground, Saul hears the voice of Jesus. Blinded, he is carried by men to Damascus, where he abstains from eating and drinking for three days. 1. Saul persecutes believers (9:1-2) Saul was the one who took the lead in killing Stephen (7:58; 8:1). Saul asks the high priest for a letter to take to the various synagogues in Damascus. The intent is to bind all believers to Jerusalem. At the time, Damascus was a very large and developed city, with many Jews living there and several synagogues. The believers fled there because of persecution. The reason the Jews, including Saul, persecuted the believers is because the gospel is in conflict with Jewish beliefs. Judaism never recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) sent by God. - Why did Saul want to go to Damascus? What can I do to help someon...