Acts 6:8-15, A Man of the Spirit, Calm in Crisis
Acts 6:8-15, A Man of the Spirit, Calm in Crisis
Today's Scripture Summary
When Stephen was full of grace and power, performing signs and wonders, some of the freedmen argued with him. Unable to resist Stephen, who speaks with wisdom and the Holy Spirit, they bribe people. False witnesses testify that he speaks against the temple and the law. At this point, Stephen's face is like that of an angel.
1. Stephen's ministry and the response of the freedmen (6:8-10)
The seven workers in the early church were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Stephen, in particular, was full of grace and power, performing great miracles and signs. Miracles are the mark of a prophet. Immediately after the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, "apostles" performed signs and wonders (5:12-16), but now non-apostles also perform signs and wonders. This suggests that the work of God has become universalized. However, a hostile response to Stephen's ministry occurs. The so-called "freedmen" argue with Stephen - they are Hellenized Jews who were captives or slaves and have been set free. They are unable to meet Stephen, who speaks with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, with arguments. No one can stop the word of life, which he preaches with power, full of grace and power, doing great wonders and signs.
How did the freedmen respond to Stephen's powerful ministry? Where can we find the strength to stand up to those who are hostile to the gospel?
2. Stephen is accused (6:11-15)
The freedmen bribe the people to accuse Stephen of blasphemy, and then they mobilize the people, elders, and scribes to drag Stephen before the council. The council was the highest court in Jewish society, and it ruled on matters that arose among them. The freedmen set up false witnesses to testify that Stephen had spoken against the "holy place" (the temple) and the "law" (v. 13). This is equivalent to saying that he blasphemed 'Moses (the law) and God (the temple)' (v. 11). As he stands before the council, Stephen's face is like that of an angel. Even in crisis, his heart is calm. This confirms that God is with Stephen and that his ministry is guided by the Holy Spirit.
What did the freedmen accuse Stephen of? How do I see evidence that God is with me when I do God's work?
Prayer for the day
God, I want to live as a disciple of the gospel, no matter where I am or what situation I find myself in. Fill me with your Holy Spirit today so that wisdom may be on my lips and power in my life. May I refuse to give in to lies and injustice, and may I shine as a man of God whose glory the world cannot contain.
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