Acts 6:8-15, A Man of the Spirit, Calm in Crisis

Acts 6:8-15, A Man of the Spirit, Calm in Crisis Today's Scripture Summary When Stephen was full of grace and power, performing signs and wonders, some of the freedmen argued with him. Unable to resist Stephen, who speaks with wisdom and the Holy Spirit, they bribe people. False witnesses testify that he speaks against the temple and the law. At this point, Stephen's face is like that of an angel. 1. Stephen's ministry and the response of the freedmen (6:8-10) The seven workers in the early church were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Stephen, in particular, was full of grace and power, performing great miracles and signs. Miracles are the mark of a prophet. Immediately after the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, "apostles" performed signs and wonders (5:12-16), but now non-apostles also perform signs and wonders. This suggests that the work of God has become universalized. However, a hostile response to Stephen's ministry occurs. The so-called ...