Acts 6:1-7, A Growing Church with Wise Conflict Resolution

The Hellenized Jews resent the Hebrews over the issue of almsgiving.

Acts 6:1-7, A Growing Church with Wise Conflict Resolution

Today's Scripture Summary

The Hellenized Jews resent the Hebrews over the issue of almsgiving. The twelve apostles choose seven men who are praised for being full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to do the work of hospitality, while they devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. They choose seven men, including Stephen, and lay hands on them. The word becomes more and more vigorous, and the number of disciples increases.

1. Problems in the Church and the Apostles' Response (6:1-4)

A problem arose in the beautifully growing early church. Widows of Hellenized Jews were not receiving relief, and they resented the Hebrew Jews. Hellenized Jews were Jews who had lived in the province of Hellas and had come to stay in their homeland for various reasons. Hebraic Jews were Jews who originally lived in the land of Judea and spoke Hebrew. There were differences in language, culture, and thought between the two groups, and there was conflict due to a sense of rivalry. As the church grew rapidly and there were not enough workers, the Hellenistic Jews were being left out of the care, so the apostles wanted to select seven men who were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. No church is without problems; it is the willingness and method of solving them that matters.


What issues did the Hellenized and Hebraic Jews have with each other? What are the conflicts in my own community, and how can I resolve them?

2. The election of the seven workers and its consequences (6:5-7)

Managing conflict well produces good results. The whole congregation rejoices at the words of the apostles and selects seven men full of faith and the Holy Spirit. They are chosen by the congregation itself, and the apostles do not intervene. This shows that the early church is a democratic and spontaneous community. By the way, the names of the seven workers are all in Greek. It is not clear if they are all Hellenized Jews, but it is clear that Nicola and Stephen are Hellenized Jews. The fact that all seven laborers have Greek names suggests that they are representative of the plight of Hellenized Jews. The early church is a community that cares about the vulnerable. The selection of workers frees the apostles to focus on the ministry of the Word, and the Word becomes more vigorous and the church grows.


What does it mean that the names of the seven elected workers are Greek names? What is my role in the expansion of God's kingdom?

Prayer for the day

God, reflect on how you have responded to ongoing problems in your community. Help us to let go of the foolishness of joining in the grumbling and complaining or accusing others of lacking faith. Help me to watch closely for members of my community who are struggling with weaknesses, and to seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to serve them. 


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