라벨이 Growing Church인 게시물 표시

Acts 6:1-7, A Growing Church with Wise Conflict Resolution

Acts 6:1-7, A Growing Church with Wise Conflict Resolution Today's Scripture Summary The Hellenized Jews resent the Hebrews over the issue of almsgiving. The twelve apostles choose seven men who are praised for being full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to do the work of hospitality, while they devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. They choose seven men, including Stephen, and lay hands on them. The word becomes more and more vigorous, and the number of disciples increases. 1. Problems in the Church and the Apostles' Response (6:1-4) A problem arose in the beautifully growing early church. Widows of Hellenized Jews were not receiving relief, and they resented the Hebrew Jews. Hellenized Jews were Jews who had lived in the province of Hellas and had come to stay in their homeland for various reasons. Hebraic Jews were Jews who originally lived in the land of Judea and spoke Hebrew. There were differences in language, culture, and thought between the two groups,...