Acts 1:1-11, A Spirit-Driven Life of Witnessing

Acts 11-11, A Spirit-Driven Life of Witnessing

Summarize today's passage

Luke writes about Jesus, following up on what he wrote earlier, and passes it on to Theophilus. After his resurrection, Jesus spoke of the work of the kingdom of God and commanded his apostles to wait for what the Father had promised. He said they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and they would be his witnesses to the ends of the earth, and then he ascended into heaven.

1. Waiting for the promise (1:1-5)

Luke writes his second letter (Acts) to Theophilus after his first (Luke). Luke is a record of the redemptive work Jesus accomplished on earth, and Acts is a record of how the disciples are carrying on the redemptive work Jesus accomplished. The resurrected Jesus spends 40 days with his disciples, speaking of 'the things of the kingdom of God' (v. 3) - the kingdom of God is the core message of Jesus, and now it must be the core of the disciples' message. 'What the Father promised' (v. 4) refers to 'the Holy Spirit' - when the Holy Spirit comes as promised, the disciples will experience 'the baptism of the Holy Spirit' - the washing away of sins and renewal. Water baptism is the ritual symbolizing the forgiveness of sins; the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the substance and content of the forgiveness of sins.


What did Jesus command his disciples to wait for? What are some areas where I need to be prepared to fulfill my mission?

2. Be Jesus' witnesses (1:6-11)

Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God, but the disciples ask when Israel will be restored, which shows that they still understood the things of the kingdom of God as earthly affairs. Chapter 1:8 is a key verse in the book of Acts. The book of Acts unfolds according to this verse, and the spread of the gospel extends from Jerusalem (Jews) to the ends of the earth (Gentiles). Jesus speaks of his mission to spread the gospel, directing his disciples toward the spiritual kingdom of God, not the political restoration of Israel. As Jesus ascends into heaven, angels remind the disciples of the promise of his second coming. The "fulfillment of the mission" and the "promise of the second coming" are connected. Until that day when the Lord returns, we are to preach the gospel.


What is the mission of the disciples when the Holy Spirit comes upon them? How does what I do now connect to spreading the gospel?

Prayer for Today

God, thank you for promising the Holy Spirit for those left behind after Jesus' ascension. Help me to be a laborer for the expansion of your kingdom, not by relying on my own zeal and methods, but by relying on the Holy Spirit. Help me to remember this mission and to obey your will with joy until the day you return.


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