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Acts 1:1-11, A Spirit-Driven Life of Witnessing

Summarize today's passage Luke writes about Jesus, following up on what he wrote earlier, and passes it on to Theophilus. After his resurrection, Jesus spoke of the work of the kingdom of God and commanded his apostles to wait for what the Father had promised. He said they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and they would be his witnesses to the ends of the earth, and then he ascended into heaven. 1. Waiting for the promise (1:1-5) Luke writes his second letter (Acts) to Theophilus after his first (Luke). Luke is a record of the redemptive work Jesus accomplished on earth, and Acts is a record of how the disciples are carrying on the redemptive work Jesus accomplished. The resurrected Jesus spends 40 days with his disciples, speaking of 'the things of the kingdom of God' (v. 3) - the kingdom of God is the core message of Jesus, and now it must be the core of the disciples' message. 'What the Father promised' (v. 4) refers to 'the Holy Sp