라벨이 obedience인 게시물 표시

Acts 11:1-18, Putting aside prejudice and condemnation, to obedience and oneness

Summarize today's scripture The circumcisionists criticize Peter because he went into the house of an uncircumcised man and ate. Peter then tells them how he went to Caesarea in a vision and was led by the Holy Spirit, and how the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles, and when they ask him who he is to stop God, he accepts the salvation of the Gentiles. 1. The Accusation of the Circumcisionists (11:1-3) God wants us to break through our human prejudices and limitations. The news of Peter's preaching in the Gentile house and the conversion of the Gentile becomes known to the apostles and brothers in Jerusalem. The circumcisers accuse Peter of entering the house of an uncircumcised man and eating his food. The circumcisers mean "circumcised believers." They had become Christians but were still unable to break free from Jewish tradition and were thoroughly reluctant to associate with the uncircumcised. The Holy Spirit came and the church revived, but they failed to let go ...