Acts 8:14-25, The Holy Spirit, a gift from God that money cannot buy

Acts 814-25, The Holy Spirit, a gift from God that money cannot buy

Today's Scripture Summary

Peter and John go down to Samaria and lay hands on those who have been baptized "in the name of the Lord Jesus," and they receive the Holy Spirit. When Simon sees this, he tries to buy the power with money. Peter rebukes him, telling him to repent of his wickedness. On their way back to Jerusalem, Peter and John preach the gospel in several villages in Samaria.

1. The Holy Spirit comes on the Samaritans 8(:14-17)

The gospel and the Holy Spirit go hand in hand. The apostles in Jerusalem send Peter and John to Samaria. The purpose is to confirm the faith and salvation of the Samaritans and to teach them more about the faith. The Holy Spirit has not yet come upon any of the Samaritans; they have only been water baptized by Philip. So Peter and John lay their hands on them and they too receive the Holy Spirit. The coming of the Holy Spirit to Jerusalem at Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit to Samaria after the martyrdom of Stephen are the same event, with only a time difference. The descent of the Holy Spirit is a promise to all nations. As in Samaria, the Holy Spirit will come wherever the gospel is preached; as the Jews were saved, the Samaritans were saved, and in the future the Gentiles will be saved.


What does it mean that the Holy Spirit came to Samaria? Who is the member who will enlighten me about what the Holy Spirit is like?

2. Simon the Magician's Misunderstanding (8:18-25)

Finally, Simon the magician reveals his true colors. Simon asks the apostles to buy the power they are performing with money. He recognizes the Holy Spirit only as a supernatural power, not as God as a person. Moreover, he thinks that the power of the Holy Spirit can be bought and sold for money. He probably wants to make more money off of the miracles that appear through the Holy Spirit. Peter sternly rebukes Simon and calls him to repentance. In response, Simon is afraid and asks for prayer that none of his words of rebuke will come to pass. Like Simon, if we are only concerned with visible "miracles," we will not come to true faith. We must receive the 'word' of the gospel in obedient faith.


Why did Peter strongly rebuke Simon the magician? How does God view someone who counts God's gifts and grace in terms of money?

Prayer for the day

God, I examine myself to see if I have ever used the ministry you have entrusted to me to gain fame and profit. Help me to always search the depths of my heart to see if there is any wickedness that seeks to get ahead of you, and bring it before you. By the power of your Holy Spirit, help me to honor your name by following your Word as it is written in my life.



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