Acts 8:2-13, A New Chapter of Evangelism in the Scattering
Today's Scripture Summary
After Stephen's death, Saul throws the saints into prison in an attempt to eliminate the church. The scattered saints travel around preaching the gospel, and Philip preaches Christ in the city of Samaria and performs signs. There is great joy in the city as unclean spirits leave and people are healed. As a result of Philip's preaching, Simon the magician believes and is baptized.
1. Philip preaches in Samaria (8:2-8)
Persecution and scattering are new opportunities to spread the gospel. Saul (Paul), who deserved the death of Stephen, wants to get rid of the church, so the believers in Jerusalem are scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. The scattering of believers results in an expansion of the gospel: they go to all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth, as chapter 1:8 says. Philip goes down to the city of Samaria and preaches the gospel. Jews don't get along with Samaritans, but Philip preaches the gospel in the city of Samaria, casting out unclean spirits and healing many sick people, which causes great joy in the city of Samaria. Where the gospel is preached, the kingdom of God of peace and joy comes.
When persecution scattered believers, where did Philip go to preach the gospel? Where should I go with the gospel?
2. Simon the Magician (8:9-13)
In the city of Samaria, there was a magician named Simon the Magician who performed miracles by trickery. The story of Simon the Magician comes between the stories of Philip's evangelism in Samaria (verses 5-8) and his teaching of the Bible to the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26-40). It is intended to contrast true and false faith. Philip preached the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, but Simon misunderstood the power of the Holy Spirit. The Samaritans and the Ethiopian eunuch heard the gospel and believed, but Simon was warned that his love of miracles would lead to his destruction (8:14-23). Simon was attracted to Philip, who was performing amazing signs and wonders. It is not right to run after visible power. Miracles may follow faith, but faith is not always present when miracles appear.
Why did Simon the Magician chase after Philip? How do I understand the relationship between faith and miracles?
Prayer for the day
God, I expect you to turn trials in my life and even crises in my community into opportunities to share the gospel. Help me not to mistake visible miracles or popularity for faith, but to stand firmly on the right Word. Let me be refilled with the power of the Holy Spirit to move forward with the gospel.
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