Acts 7:17-50, The prophet foretold by Moses, Jesus Christ

Acts 717-50, The prophet foretold by Moses, Jesus Christ

Today's Scripture Summary

The people of Israel multiply, and the king of Egypt kills the babies of Israel. Moses is saved by Pharaoh's daughter and learns the wisdom of the Egyptians. He becomes a murderer to save his people and flees, but after 40 years, God calls him back to lead Israel out of Egypt. But the people make idols and worship them.

1. Moses (7:17-43)

Stephen speaks about Moses, the leader of the Exodus. He mentions Moses at length because of the accusation that he had blasphemed Moses (6:11). Stephen says that Moses fulfilled his calling to save the Israelites (vv. 34-36) and testified to the coming of a prophet like himself, "Jesus Christ" (v. 37). The phrase "wilderness church" (v. 38) suggests that a community of faith as a people gathered by God existed even in Old Testament times. Stephen refers to the Law of Moses as the 'living word' (v. 38), emphasizing the fact that he is not against the law. The 'armies of heaven' (v. 42) refer to the 'star gods' of the heavens. Jesus, the Son of God, entered history to save a people who had fallen into idolatry.


How did Moses foretell the coming of Jesus Christ? Meditate on why Jesus, the Son of God, entered history in a human body.

2. The Tabernacle of Evidence (7:44-50)

Stephen speaks of the "tabernacle of the testimony" (tabernacle). The tabernacle of the testimony was made as God commanded under Moses, brought into the land of Canaan by Joshua, and remained there until David, when Solomon built a 'temple' for God. Stephen says that God does not dwell in 'a place made by human hands' (v. 48). He resists the Jewish narrow-mindedness about the temple, proclaiming that God is not confined to it. This is to point out that the Jews were idolizing the temple, just like their ancestors who worshiped idols in the wilderness. The God who made the whole world is the Almighty who is at ease in the whole universe, not just the temple (vv. 49-50; Isa. 66:1-2).


What does it mean that God is not in a place built by human hands? Do I remember and fellowship with the God who is everywhere?

Prayer for the Day

God, the more I suffer, the more I hold fast to your word of promise and wait expectantly for your timing. I confess that unless I abide in your word of truth every moment of my life, I am bound to make idols and follow the path of sin. Help us to respond in holy obedience to your vast and mysterious providence.


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