Acts 5:1-16, The sin of deceiving the Holy Spirit, and Spirit-empowered ministry
Acts 5:1-16, The sin of deceiving the Holy Spirit, and Spirit-empowered ministry
Today's Scripture Summary
Ananias and Sapphira hide part of the price of the land and pay only part of it to the apostles. Peter rebukes Ananias, saying that his heart is full of Satan, that he has deceived the Holy Spirit, and that he has lied to God. Ananias dies on the spot, and so does his wife, who has also spoken lies. The whole church is afraid because of this.
1. The Sin of Ananias and Sapphira (5:1-11)
The early church has been revitalized by the devoted service and love of the saints. Then a frightening event occurs. Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of land that belonged to them, hid some of the money and laid some at the apostles' feet. The couple conspired with each other and thought the apostles wouldn't know. Peter rebukes Ananias for deceiving the Holy Spirit because 'Satan is in your heart' (v. 3). Their lies were not just a personal sin: they did not deceive people, but God; they broke the purity of the church and disregarded apostolic authority. Their lies and greed eventually cost them their lives. God punishes those who disrespect the church and the authority of the apostles with death, making them a counter-example to all the saints.
Why were Ananias and Sapphira punished with death? Examine my words and actions to see if any of them belittle the authority and order of the church.
2. Signs through the Apostles (5:12-16)
The incident with Ananias and Sapphira frightens the saints, but it does not deter them from preaching the gospel. The apostles reject the warnings of the council and boldly preach the gospel, and many signs and wonders occur through their hands. Signs and wonders are visible evidence that God is with the apostles, confirming the authority of their words. As the gospel is preached and many signs appear through the apostles, more and more people believe. People even bring sick and demon-possessed people to the apostles, and they are all healed by the Holy Spirit-filled apostles, showing that the apostles continue the work of Jesus. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles are empowered to bear witness.
Why do you think God caused signs and wonders to appear through the hands of the apostles? When and how have I experienced the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit?
Prayer for the day
Holy God, I repent of the hypocrisy with which I have wrapped myself in the desire to appear holy before people. Help me to keenly discern and avoid the temptations of greed and lies, and to live truthfully "coram deo," or "before God. Renew and heal my body and soul by the power of the Gospel.
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