Acts 4:13-22, a bold evangelist who followed God's word alone
Today's Scripture Summary
The religious leaders are unable to condemn the apostles because of the healing. They warn them not to speak in the name of Jesus lest rumors of the signs spread further. But the apostles reply that they cannot help but speak of what they have seen and heard. Fearing for the people, the officials release the apostles after only threatening them.
1. Council members wary of the apostles (4:13-17)
The apostles boldly preach the gospel with the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. The council members are surprised to see Peter and John speak so boldly. "Unlearned men" (v. 13) refers to those who are not professionally trained in knowledge, here referring to their lack of rabbinical training. Because they spoke in the power of the Holy Spirit, the supreme wisdom, their words were coherent and logical, and they were able to be bold in the presence of the highest authorities. The fact that a transfiguration has taken place is so obvious that the public members cannot deny it. They are afraid of the ramifications of the name of Jesus and want to forbid it, which is an attribute of Satan.
Why do the public members find it strange that Peter and John speak with boldness? Do I preach the gospel with words or with the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit?
2. The Apostles Reject the Warnings of the Council Members (4:18-22)
The council members summon Peter and John to warn them not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, but Peter and John reject the warning. They say, "We cannot refrain from speaking what we have seen and heard" (v. 20), and they will continue to speak the word of God. The fact that "Peter and John" (v. 19) give the same answer at the same time shows that this was the common faith of the twelve apostles. Because of their resurrection faith, they are bold even when their lives are threatened. When the people who saw the transfiguration glorify God and support the apostles, the officials, afraid of the people, are unable to punish the apostles, but only threaten them and let them go. The miracle of the Holy Spirit-filled apostles raising a 40-year-old man from the dead in Mimoun in the power of Jesus' name is an opportunity to share the gospel, resulting in many people believing in Jesus.
How did Peter and John counter the threat to stop teaching in Jesus' name? How do I overcome obstacles to spreading the gospel?
Prayer for the day
Lord, what a shame it would be to miss the opportunity for salvation by trying to protect the things of this world that will pass away like a mist! I want to be a witness who can tell of the things I have seen, heard, and experienced, even if I haven't learned much. Give me the courage and grace to leave my timidity behind and act like a disciple of yours.
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