Acts 4:1-12, Jesus Christ, The Only Way of Salvation

Acts 41-12, Jesus Christ, The Only Way of Salvation

Today's Scripture Summary

The religious leaders take the apostles prisoner as they tell them that in Jesus there is resurrection from the dead. About 5,000 men hear them and believe. The next day, when the apostles are interrogated, Peter proclaims Jesus' death and resurrection, saying that there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

1. Those who hinder the spread of the gospel (4:1-4)

The miracle of healing the sick is followed by persecution. Peter and John are brought before the council for healing a man who had been unable to walk since birth. The Sadducees, who do not believe in the resurrection, in particular, hate what the apostles are teaching and preaching about the resurrection of the dead. The Sadducees were a wealthy aristocratic class at the time, politically and economically allied with Rome, and they felt that the messianic ideas taught by the apostles could jeopardize their relationship with the Roman Empire. Despite their objections, about 5,000 men heard Peter's sermon and believed in Jesus. In spite of persecution, the number of believers grew exponentially. In spite of Satan's obstacles, the gospel spreads with power.


Why did the Sadducees hate the gospel as taught by the apostles? Who are the people in my life who are hindering the spread of the gospel, and why?

2. The Only Way to Salvation (4:5-12)

Officials, elders, scribes, and others gather in Jerusalem. These are members of the ruling council, which had great authority in Jewish society. The high priest's circle is also present. They are not interested in the miracle, but only in "by what authority" and "in whose name" it was done, and they criticize the apostles (v. 7). Their only interest is in their own status and gain. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, does not cower in the slightest in the face of these powerful men, but boldly proclaims that he was healed 'in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth' (v. 10). He quotes a psalm the Jews knew well (Psalm 118:22). Jesus, whom the Jews despised and killed like a stone thrown away by the builders, has become the foundation of salvation; Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation that God has given to mankind.


What is the only way of salvation that Peter preached? What is my attitude when the Christian way of salvation that I preach is accused of being exclusive?

Prayer for the Day

Lord, the world does not believe in your resurrection and says that there are many ways to salvation. But I believe that the truth is that there is no savior but Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died, and rose again. Help me to share this truth throughout my life, without fear of people's cynical reactions.


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