Acts 3:11-26, Enjoy the Lord of restoration through repentance and forgiveness of sins

Acts 311-26, Enjoy the Lord of restoration through repentance and forgiveness of sins

Today's Scripture Summary

Peter tells those gathered in Acts that the healings came not through the power of the apostle himself, but through faith in the name of Jesus. The Jews killed Jesus, but it was in fulfillment of what God had planned: repent and be cleansed of sin, and the day of renewal will come. God sent Jesus to be a blessing.

1. The name that worked miracles (3:11-16)

Miracles of healing are opportunities to share the name of Jesus. After the miracle of the healing of the crippled man, Peter begins to share the gospel with John and anyone else who will listen. He makes it clear that this was not done by the apostles' own power and piety, but by "faith in the name of Jesus. Because his audience is Jewish, Peter emphasizes the covenant faithfulness of God, 'the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob' (v. 13). He also exalts Jesus' name as the 'servant' (v. 13), 'holy and righteous' (v. 14), and 'Lord of life' (v. 15), whom God has glorified as he shares Jesus' death and resurrection. Evangelism is about telling people who Jesus is and giving his name the glory it deserves.


What was Peter trying to emphasize with the healing of the crippled man? Do I glorify the Lord in all things, not exalting myself?

2. Reasons to repent and turn (3:17-26)

Peter calls the Jews who killed Jesus "brothers" (v. 17) and urges them to repent and turn to receive the forgiveness of their sins, which will bring about "the day of renewal" (v. 19). Being renewed through repentance is happening now on earth, but it will be finalized on the day Jesus returns. Peter gives a dynamic witness to the gospel by quoting abundantly from Old Testament descriptions of Jesus, including 'the Christ' (v. 20), 'a prophet like me (Moses)' (v. 22), and 'your (Abraham's) seed' (v. 25). When he says that in 'Abraham's seed' all nations are blessed (v. 25), he means that ultimately all humanity is blessed in Jesus Christ. Those who repent, turn, and believe in Jesus as Savior are blessed.


Why did Peter encourage us to "repent and be forgiven of your sins"? What are some of the blessings I enjoy in Jesus after being forgiven of my sins?

Prayer for the Day

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we exalt and praise your name, who gives us physical breath, heals our diseases, and brings us salvation. Help us to think of you, holy and righteous, and to turn away from sin. Let us live today in hope of eternal bliss with you, on the day when all things will be fully restored.



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