Acts 2:14-21, The Holy Spirit poured out on all believers

Acts 214-21, The Holy Spirit poured out on all believers

Today's Scripture Summary

Peter says that those who spoke in tongues were not drunk, but the word was fulfilled. God said through Joel that in the latter days He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and each generation would prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams. When God gives signs and wonders and executes judgment, those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

1. Peter's defense (2:14-15)

When the disciples spoke in other languages, the people were astonished and mocked them, causing great confusion. In response, Peter says, "Listen to me" (v. 14) and begins to preach with apostolic authority about the significance of the descent of the Holy Spirit. He first explains that the disciples were not drunk when they spoke in other languages. He emphasizes that it is the third hour, or 9:00 a.m., and says that it is not common sense to think they are drunk when it is morning (2:13). Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter tries to instill faith in the people by telling them what God has done for our ransom and salvation: the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus and the descent of the Holy Spirit.


How did Peter explain that the disciples were not drunk? What can we do when "not understanding" leads to misunderstanding?

2. Fulfillment of Joel's Prophecy (2:16-21)

Peter quotes the book of Joel to explain the situation (Joel 2:28-32). He changes Joel's "afterward" to "in the latter days" to give an eschatological interpretation to the current events (v. 17; Joel 2:28). When the Holy Spirit comes, children prophesy, young people see visions, old people dream dreams, and even male and female servants prophesy, because the descent of the Holy Spirit means that the day of the end, the day of salvation and judgment, has arrived. This means that the Holy Spirit comes upon everyone and gives them words. The descent of the Holy Spirit will bring about tremendous celestial changes, an upheaval of the times. Such signs and wonders are also a sign that the end times have arrived, which reminds us of the urgency of preaching the gospel. The gospel is that the door of salvation is open to anyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus.


What did the prophet Joel predict would happen when the Holy Spirit came? Do I long for the Holy Spirit that God pours out on every believer?

Prayer for the day

God, I want my life to be filled with the Holy Spirit who is at work in the whole world. Forgive me for limiting and taking lightly the work of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the Bible. Help every generation living in an increasingly evil age to follow the Holy Spirit and conform to the truth without being swept away by an anti-Biblical culture.


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