Acts 2:1-13, The descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the beginning of the spiritual harvest
Today's Scripture Summary
On the day of Pentecost, the disciples gathered together in one place were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages. When the pious Jews who were staying in Jerusalem, who had come from all over the country, heard them, they were amazed. Some mock the disciples for their newfound drunkenness, while others say they heard them speak in the language of the place where they were born about the great things of God.
1. The Holy Spirit descends (2:1-4)
The day of Pentecost (Seventh-day Advent) is the 50th day after Passover and the 10th day after Jesus ascended into heaven. Passover is the first harvest of barley, and Pentecost is the first harvest of wheat. The descent of the Holy Spirit on a crowd of about 120 people at Pentecost marks the beginning of the church's spiritual harvest. The "sound like a rushing, strong wind" and "tongues of fire" that accompanied the coming of the Holy Spirit were signs of the divine manifestation (vv. 2-3). Also, the fact that people began to speak in "other languages" (v. 4) meant that the gospel could now be preached to many nations in their own languages, fulfilling the promise (1:8) that when the Holy Spirit came, they would be empowered to be witnesses for Jesus.
What were some of the signs of the Holy Spirit's descent at Pentecost? What does being filled with the Holy Spirit look like to you?
2. The Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Restoration of Speech (2:5-13)
Jews from all over the world have come to Jerusalem to observe Pentecost. Verses 9-11 list the peoples who have visited Jerusalem. They are amazed to hear the disciples speak in several local languages. The people's understanding of the disciples speaking in different languages reminds them of the Tower of Babel incident, where languages were divided and people were scattered (Genesis 11:1-9). The descent of the Holy Spirit and the restoration of language means that God's wrath for the Tower of Babel event has been removed. With language restored, humanity forms a new community centered on Jesus, the Kingdom of God. This foreshadows future worship of God "from every nation, tribe, people, and tongue" (Rev. 7:9).
What is the significance of the disciples beginning to speak in each nation's language as the Holy Spirit descended? When I am filled with the Holy Spirit, what are the most common things I say?
Prayer for the day
God, thank you for filling the place where Christ left with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God. Praise you for sending the Holy Spirit to die for humans who cannot be free from sin. As we see your wisdom in unifying the scattered languages at Babel by the work of the Holy Spirit, help us to remember that true restoration is in the Holy Spirit.
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