Acts 1:12-26, A place of prayer waiting for the fulfillment of promises

Acts 112-26, A place of prayer waiting for the fulfillment of promises

Summarize Today's Scripture

A group of about 120 people, including the eleven disciples, gather in a place in Jerusalem to pray with one accord. It is then that Peter suggests that someone be chosen to take over Judas' duties. After praying, a lot is cast from among those who had traveled with the disciples in Jesus' presence, and Thyatira is included among the twelve.

1. The disciples praying (1:12-14)

God's promises are fulfilled through prayer. After witnessing Jesus' ascension, the disciples return to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, where they were commanded by the Lord to take the gospel to the nations (1:8) and where God was prophesied to come to judge the nations (Zech. 14:1-5). The disciples go up to the "upper room" to pray, which some view as a place belonging to the temple. This is a fitting place for this chapter because it connects to the last verse of Luke's gospel (Luke 24:53), because people from all over the world hear the disciples speaking in their own languages (2:5-11), and because Peter's sermon is followed by the baptism of about 3,000 people (2:41). The disciples spend their time in prayer, waiting for, as Jesus says, "what the Father has promised" (1:4).


Upon returning to Jerusalem, where and what did the disciples do? What should be the mindset of those who wait for God's promises?

2. Formation of the Twelve (1:15-26)

Peter, the leader of the disciples, speaks about the election of an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot. With Judas Iscariot having taken his own life, leaving eleven apostles, their desire to fill the "twelve" comes from the Old Testament idea of the "twelve tribes": just as the old Israel was made up of the "twelve tribes," the new Israel was supposed to start with the "twelve apostles. However, after the church was established with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the 'twelve' no longer fit, even if there were vacancies. The criteria for choosing an apostle is 'who will testify that Jesus is risen' (v. 22), so an apostle must be an eyewitness to the resurrected Jesus. The disciples pray earnestly for God to intervene in the selection of apostles. As a result, Matthias is elected, solidifying the foundation of the church.


What were the criteria for choosing an apostle? What are the basic qualities needed in someone who is committed to the gospel?

Prayer for the Day

God, I want to live my life fulfilling your will through prayer. As I give my heart and time to prayer, help me to see you at work. Send me laborers to partner with me in prayer with the same heart, and grant me the fruit of holy gospel ministry that builds up souls and communities through prayer.


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