Acts 5:17-42, The Gospel Preached with the Help of the Holy Spirit

Acts 5:17-42, The Gospel Preached with the Help of the Holy Spirit Today's Scripture Summary The chief priests and Sadducees are jealous of the apostles and imprison them. At night, the Lord's messenger opens the bars and rescues the apostles, but the temple authorities bring them back. When the members of the public try to kill the apostles, Gamaliel, a respected teacher of the law, intercedes. Freed, the apostles rejoice in their humiliation and intensify their evangelism. 1. Angelic Help and Evangelism (5:17-26) Spreading the word of life comes with hindrances. The religious leaders put the apostles in prison. This is because they ignored their warnings and continued to preach the gospel (4:13-22), and because they were filled with jealousy as the church grew and their status fell. But God helps the apostles. An angel (messenger) of the Lord opens the door at night and pulls the apostles out. The angel commands the apostles to "go and stand in the temple and speak these...