라벨이 heal인 게시물 표시

Acts 3:1-10, Jesus name is power to heal

Today's Scripture Summary A man who was crippled from birth begs Peter and John at the temple gate. Peter says he has no silver, but he gives him what he has, telling him to get up and walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The people are greatly astonished to see him running and walking, entering the temple and praising God. 1. The Man Who Couldn't Walk from Birth (3:1-5) After the descent of the Holy Spirit, power begins to be manifested through the apostles. This paragraph is the first healing transfer in the book of Acts, showing that Jesus' ministry was passed on to the apostles. As Peter and John go up to the temple at the time of the first reading, or the 3:00 p.m. prayer, they encounter a man begging at the temple gate. The phrase "who was lame and could not walk" (v. 2) indicates that his condition was hopeless, beyond cure. The Hebrew for "begging" (v. 3) is in the imperfect tense, meaning that he continued to beg. Peter draws his attent...