라벨이 Forgiveness인 게시물 표시

Acts 7:51-8:1, The Way of the Cross Followed by Forgiveness and Martyrdom

Today's Scripture Summary Stephen says that the Jews, like their ancestors, killed the righteous. When he says that he sees heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God, they plug their ears and stone him. Stephen falls asleep, entrusting his soul to the Lord and asking for forgiveness for their sins. That day there is great persecution in the church in Jerusalem, and the saints are scattered. 1. Stephen's rebuke (7:51-53) It is not easy to expose one's sins in the presence of the powerful, but Stephen boldly points out the sins of the Jews before the council. He had addressed his audience favorably as "we," but now he distances himself from them by saying "you" (v. 51). He criticizes the Jews for being stiff-necked, uncircumcised in heart and ears, and always resisting the Holy Spirit. He says that their ancestors killed those who prophesied that the righteous one (Messiah) would come, and now the Jews are the ones who murdered tha...